Thursday, September 29, 2011

Beth Moon Exhibition Information - Beth Moon Selected Works 1999 - 2011 - @ PH NEUTRO FOTOGRAFIA FINE-ART

2011年10月01日から2012年01月12日にかけてイタリア北部ヴェネト州 (Veneto) のヴェローナ (Verona) にあるフォトギャラリー、PH NEUTRO でベス・ムーン (Beth Moon) の個展が開催される。

Beth Moon Selected Works 1999 - 2011
01/10/2011 - 07/01/2012
Opening reception October 1, 2011

American artist Beth Moon’s Retrospective show in Verona’s location

Retrospettiva dell’Artisra americana nella sede di Verona

PH NEUTRO | Fotografia Fine-Art
Via G. Mazzini, 50 VERONA, ITALY
rsvp 045 8013546

Mauro Fiorese, Art Director
+39 045 8007 195

そういえば、多分ロシアの方だと思うのだけど、YouTube に "Beth Moon.wmv Traveling with the ghost: Beth" というタイトルの付いたベス・ムーン (Beth Moon) の写真を紹介する動画をアップされている。

traveling with the ghost: Beth Moon - Thy Kingdom Come -

Beth Moon

Adela Leibowitz Exhibition Information - Solo - @ HPGRP Gallery

2011年09月29日から2011年10月06日にかけてニューヨークのギャラリー HPGRP Gallery においてアデラ・リボウィッツ (Adela leibowitz) のソロショーが開催される。
オープニングのレセプションが今日 (29日) の夕方6時から開かれるとのこと。


The Untitled (Solo)

Reception on Thursday September 29, 2011 6-8PM

HPGRP Gallery
September 29 -October 29, 2011
529 West 20th Street
New York, NY
tel. 212.727-2491

現在カリフォルニア州南西部にあるトーランス (Torrance) のトーランス市立美術館 (The Torrance Art Museum) では "The Unseen" と題された展示会が開かれており、絵画、インスタレーション、ビデオ、写真、そしてドローイングなどさまざまなスタイルで表現される難解な現代アートにいかにアクセスするかといった内容 (そんな内容じゃないかもしれないけど) で、この展示会にアデラ・リボウィッツもキュレーターとして参加しているという。

The Unseen

Sept 17- Oct 29, 2011
The Unseen: curated by Adela Leibowitz (New York)

Documenting esoteric symbols in contemporary art.
Includes painting, installation, video, photography and drawing.

Noah Becker, Michelle Blade, Jonathan Cammisa and Nathan Caswell, Walt Cassidy, Center for Tactical Magic, Martha Colburn, VALIE EXPORT, Francesca Gabbiani, Sayre Gomez, Frank Haines, Michelle Handelman, Emily Noelle Lambert, Adela Leibowitz, Kirt Markle, Josh Peters, Kembra Pfahler & Katrina del Mar, Shalo P, Breyer P-Orridge, Yuval Pudik, David Ratcliff, Carolyn Salas, Kristen Schiele, Harry Smith.

All control ultimately relies upon manipulation of behavior. In culture, the cut-up is still a modification of, or an alternate, language. It can reveal, describe and measure control. It can do damage but that is not enough. Magick as a method is a cut-up process that goes further than description. It is infused with emotion, intuition, instinct and impulse, and includes emotions and feelings. It operates actually within the same medium, “behavior,” as control. It is therefore essential as a system to challenge, emasculate and render impotent the source of control itself.

Control disintegrates. Magick integrates.

The idea is to apply the cut-up principle to behavior.

The method is a contemporary, non-mystical interpretation of “magick.”

Thee aim is reclamation of self-determination, conscious and unconscious, to the Individual.

Thee result is to neutralize and challenge the essence of social control.

Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, London, 1987
Excerpt from Thee Psychick Bible

The Torrance Art Museum
3320 Civic Center Drive
Torrance, CA 90503

Tuesday - Saturday,
From 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Free Admission

Adela Leibowitz - Home

Laurie Lipton Exhibition Information - CARNIVAL OF DEATH - @ Last Rites Gallery

ローリー・リプトン (Laurie Lipton) から個展の案内が届いていたので紹介しよう。
2011年10月1日から2011年10月23日にかけてニューヨークのギャラリー Last Rites Gallery で "CARNIVAL OF DEATH" と題された個展が開催される。

October 1 - October 23
Last Rites Gallery

Opening Reception: Oct. 1st, 7-11 PM

NEW YORK, NY (October 1st, 2011) — Last Rites Gallery presents The Carnival Of Death, new works by Laurie Lipton, in what will be her first solo show at the gallery.

A master of graphite, Laurie Lipton’s detailed drawings explore the passages of life and the portal into death. With technical prowess, she approaches her subject matter with a unique blend of both elegance and dark humor. Influenced by Día de los Muertos iconography, this exhibit runs just prior to The Day Of The Dead, commemorating the holiday by which it was inspired.

“I became fascinated by the contrast between the Day Of The Dead festival in Mexico and my experience of my mother's death. My parents were atheists. We had no ceremony, no goodbyes, no "closure". My father instructed the hospital to cremate my mother and dispose of her ashes. She was gone, disappeared, zapped out of existence. I was left with Nothing... literally and metaphysically. Friends & family treated my mother's death like an embarrassment. They awkwardly murmured Hallmark platitudes before slinking uneasily away. Death is as forbidden a topic in modern society as sex was in Victorian England.

When I visited Mexico in order to see The Day Of The Dead festival some years later, I couldn't help feeling envious of their approach to mortality. Families gathered on graves and picnicked, whole villages turned up with food for households in mourning. Death was treated as normal, even silly. Candied skulls grinned in their hundreds and skeletons danced in a fair-ground atmosphere. I decided to rebel against my heritage and create drawings inspired by the mood and atmosphere of the Mexicans. I decided to get in-touch with my bare bones. My culture runs from death, screaming. We worship youth, beauty and the illusion that we have all the time in the world. We frantically face-lift and botox, and throw pills, creams and money at death. We fool ourselves into thinking that death only happens to other people & only losers die. Skulls always look like they're laughing. Maybe the joke is on us?”
-Laurie Liption

Last Rites Gallery
511 W. 33rd Street, 3rd Floor
NY, New York 10001
Tel: (212) 529-0666

The Official Website of Laurie Lipton

Cornelia Renz Exhibition Information - Night. Tail. Pieces - @ Kunstverein Konstanz

以前エントリを立てたことのあるベルリン (Berlin) をベースに活動しているアーティスト Cornelia Renz (コルネーリア・レンツ、コルネリア・レンツ、コーネリア・レンツ、コネリア・レンツ) の個展が、現在、ドイツ南部にあるバーデン=ヴュルテンベルク州 (Land Baden-Württemberg) の都市コンスタンツ (Konstanz, Constance) のギャラリー Kunstverein Konstanz で開催されている。

Cornelia Renz - Night. Tail. Pieces.
17 September 2011 - 27 November 2011

Kunstverein Konstanz e.V.
Wessenbergstrasse 39/41
78462 Konstanz

Tel.: 07531 22351
Fax: 07531 22358

Di - Fr 10 - 18 Uhr
Sa, So 10 - 17 Uhr

ポストしたのは、2008年から2009年にかけて制作された "Menebene" という作品。

Kunstverein Konstanz : Homepage

Friday, September 16, 2011

上田風子 (Fuco Ueda) Exhibition Information - [赤と青 (RED and BLUE)] - @ 也趣藝廊 (AKI Gallery)

2011年9月10日から台湾の台北市にある也趣藝廊 (AKI Gallery) で上田風子の個展 [赤と青 (RED and BLUE)] が開催されている。

 FUCO UEDA Exhibition in Taiwan
会場/AKI Gallery 也趣藝廊
期間/ 9月10日 ~10月2日 , 2011
オープニングパーティー/9月10日 18:00〜

私は2月に渋谷Bunkamura Galleryで発表した作品と新作を展示致します。
作品集「LUCID DREAM 」特装版も会場で販売予定です。

FUCO UEDA Exhibition in Taiwan
[ RED and BLUE ]
September 10 - October 2 , 2011
Opening party / September 10  18:00-
AKI Gallery
141, Min Tsu W. rd., Taipei 103-69, TAIWAN
Tel 886-2-2599-1171

I exhibit artwork announced in Tokyo and new artwork.
In addition, I sell FUCO UEDA ARTBOOK [LUCID DREAM] published in Japan in a meeting place.
It is Special Edition.
Please inquire of AKI Gallery about my artwork and [LUCID DREAM].

[ * F u c o U e d a * ]